Mar 17, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Bachelor of Science in Resort and Attraction Management, BSRAM

The Bachelor of Science in Resort and Attraction Management (RAAM) is a degree-completion program designed to meet the growing demand for professionals in the service industry. Students will matriculate through the courses in a lock-step cohort, 2+2 sequenced program requiring the completion of 62 credit hours including an online introductory course, operational management core courses, strategic management core courses, four professional development experience workshops, a senior capstone course and two cooperative education experiences.

Program Vision

To be recognized as an elite academic institution, capitalizing on corporate and community partnerships, to prepare students to be successful leaders in the resort and attraction industry by delivering an applied and immersive learning experience within an integrated curriculum dedicated to academics, industry engagement, and professional career development. 

Program Goal

The goal of the proposed RAAM program is to provide prospective resort and theme park attraction managers with the knowledge, skills, and aptitude needed to successfully lean organizations within the resort and attraction industry. The RAAM curriculum will be design, delivered, and continuously enhanced through a partnership between academics and practitioners, thus capitalizing on opportunities for industry engagement and contributing to student success.

Program Purpose

The purpose of the RAAM program is to assist current resort and attraction employees with education opportunities to enhance their career and offer a unique educational opportunity for prospective students considering a career as managers in the resort and attraction industry:

  • Assist students in finding successful careers in resort and attraction related positions by providing a strong foundation in operational and strategic management skills.
  • Provide applied learning experiences as part of the curriculum where students use concepts, theories, tools, knowledge, in a “real world” setting while receiving feedback from practitioners as well as the instructor, as part of regular coursework.
  • Offer immersive learning experiences outside the classroom where students are engaged in activities pertaining to “real world” situations that challenge their critical thinking skills, problem solving abilities, and creativity.
  • Enhance the business acumen of students by providing a fundamental knowledge in revenue management, cost control mechanisms, technological awareness, communication skills, and ethics as it relates to the service industry.
  • Develop the personal and professional skills required for a career in the service industry including leadership, team work, integrity, adaptability, written and oral communication, business etiquette, and customer service.
  • Prepare students for the challenges of leading, managing, recruiting, selecting, training, compensating, coaching, and motivating an increasingly diverse, competitive and global workforce.
  • Meet the constantly evolving education needs of individual participants and employers and the increasingly complex challenges and escalating changes and demands in a service-based industry.

Admission Requirements

Admission is limited to the number of students that can be accommodated within the cohort. Criteria regarding the program admission requirements are available upon request or on the RAAM website. Students must be at a junior standing for this upper level bachelor program. Prior to enrollment, students must complete WRIT 1120 , MATH 1150 , MATH 1220 , and ECON 2020  or ECON 2030 

Program Progression

Following program admission, students will be expected to meet the following standards to progress:

  • Successfully complete both co-op experiences
  • Pass the senior capstone class with a “C” or higher

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the baccalaureate degree, students in Resort and Attraction Management are expected to:

SLO1. Solve problems and enhance operations related to the resort and attraction industry (e.g., lodging, restaurants, attractions, events, and tourism) by applying knowledge gained from the broad core of business concepts that affects these organizations.
SLO2. Assess complex problems facing employers and customers and find ways to improve key functions through evaluating data collection and potential solutions.
SLO3. Utilize analytical and critical thinking skills needed by mid-level and senior managers.
SLO4. Develop solutions by generating new ideas, designing products, leading projects and looking for new ways to collaborate strategically and build long lasting business partnerships.
SLO5. Demonstrate the interpersonal skills necessary to be effective in managerial interactions with customers, subordinates, co-workers, team members, boards, competitors, shareholders, and other internal and external constituents.
SLO6. Analyze the ethical and societal dimensions of managerial decisions and the connection between ethical managerial conduct and shareholder-wealth maximization that supports both the business and community at large.

Our students will strive to be PEERS

Proud - You view your work as very important, both in the classroom and in your profession, by dedicating yourself to enhancing the experience of others around you through self-respect, self-confidence, and continuous self-improvement.

Energetic - Your enthusiasm and positivity is contagious as you actively look to improve others through leadership, motivation, creative thinking, and strategic decision making.

Extroverted - You are very social, outgoing, people-oriented, and can favorably impress others with your dynamic personality and ability to be perceptive, anticipating and proactively solving problems even before they happen.

Responsible - You are trustworthy because you make no excuses, take ownership of a problem, manage your time well and always give a high quality effort by relying on your good judgement, organization, and ethics to make rational decisions.

Service-Oriented - You put the needs of others before your needs by being considerate, cooperative, and helpful communicating effectively to make any interactions you have with other people a memorable and enjoyable experience.

BG Perspective (BGP) Requirements

Must complete at least 1 course in each of the following:

   English Composition and Oral Communication
   _____________________________    ________

   Quantitative Literacy
   _____________________________    ________

Must Complete at least 2 courses in each of the following:

   Humanities and the Arts
   _____________________________    ________ 
   _____________________________    ________    

   Natural Sciences - at least one Lab Science required
   _____________________________    ________ 
   _____________________________    ________                                                                                      

   Social and Behavioral Sciences
   _____________________________    ________ 
   _____________________________    ________                                                                        

Complete total required BGP credit hours by selecting courses from any of the above categories:

   _____________________________    ________ 
   _____________________________    ________ 
   _____________________________    ________ 
   _____________________________    ________                                                                                    

University Requirements

Designated courses in Humanities and the Arts and the Social and Behavioral Sciences domains may be used to fulfill both the BGP requirement and one of the following university requirements:

Cultural Diversity in the US    ____________
International Perspective       ____________

Composition Requirement:
WRIT 1120                              

Total BGP Credits: Must be at least 36                      

Admission Requirements*

(3 Hours)

* Can also apply towards BGP requirements

Major Requirements

(62 Hours)

University Electives

(to reach a total of at least 122 credit hours)

Total Credits: 122