E-mail: smcgrad@bgsu.edu
The generalist option allows for MA students to explore the different areas of emphasis within the School of Media & Communication, and build a knowledge base that will prepare them for further academic studies. During their time in the program, MA students have the freedom to take coursework across these three areas of emphasis (media audiences and processes, interpersonal communication or critical media & rhetoric) and some professionally oriented courses up to four classes at 5000 level. If they so desire, they may concentrate their coursework in one area, or they may take courses across multiple areas. There are advantages and disadvantages to each approach, and MA students pursuing the generalist option should consult with an advisor about how they should proceed.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the Master’s degree, Media and Communication students in the thesis and research project option are expected to be able to:
- Assess the history of the field in Media and Communication
- Select appropriate social science research methods or humanistic research methods in conducting Media and Communication Research, and
- Evaluate important theories related to Media and Communication
Admission Requirements
Additional documents required:
Statement of Purpose Checklist:
1. Short personal introduction (no more than one page)
2. Why interested in pursuing a MA program in Media & Communication and why chose BGSU
3. What challenges do you expect in studying for a MA program and your preparation for it
4. Description of courses taken that are related to the study in the graduate program
5. Relate your purpose of study to ONE of the three emphasis areas of study in BGSU Media and Communication on the Web site (Media Audiences & Processes, Interpersonal Communication or Critical Media & Rhetoric)
6. Prior research, teaching and work experience that you think will benefit your study and qualify for assistantship in the program
7. If non-communication related majors, explain why interest in studying communication and how past academic background can help in the study of communication
Application Requirements
Admissions Categories and Grade Point Average Requirements
International Application Information
Degree Requirements