Feb 16, 2025  
Fall 2023 Undergraduate Catalog 
Fall 2023 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Physical Education and Health Education, BSED

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A graduate completing a physical education and health education major is eligible for multi-age (PK-12) teaching licenses in each content area, providing that he or she has a 2.5 accumulative grade point average and has successfully completed the required Ohio Assessments for Educators examinations in each content area.

Learning Outcomes

The PEHE program:

  1. Prepares students to become highly effective and reflective teachers of physical education and health education for the PK-12 school setting.
  2. Prepares students to earn State of Ohio Multi-age (grades PK-12) teaching licenses in both physical education and health education.

Develops Health Education teachers who are:

  1. Able to plan and implement effective health education curricula and lessons
  2. Able to assess needs and learning outcomes of their students
  3. Able to develop a coordinated school health program
  4. Knowledgeable health resource persons
  5. Effective communicators and advocates for comprehensive health education
  6. Responsive to the needs of students and the community

Develops Physical Education teachers who are:

  1. Versatile, skillful movers
  2. Healthy and role models
  3. Knowledgeable about human movement, in the sciences relating to human movement
  4. Creating personal meaning and enjoyment of movement in their students
  5. Utilizing appropriate current pedagogical practices in physical education.

Upon completion of the baccalaureate degree, students in Physical Education and Health Education Teacher Education are expected to:

  • Demonstrate dispositions essential to becoming effective professionals in both content areas of health education and physical education.
  • Demonstrate competence in all of the OSTP, SHAPE America (AAHE, 2008 standards), and the SHAPE America (NASPE, 2008 standards).

The BGSU Physical Education Teacher Education program received NASPE/NCATE (Specialized Professional Association) program accreditation in 2013, and in 2007 the PETE program at Bowling Green State University received National Recognition through NASPE and NCATE on its first report. The program was among the first in the country to present all the necessary evidence in the initial report that teacher candidates graduate with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions required by the NASPE Physical Education Teacher Education standards (2008, 2011).

BG Perspective (BGP) Requirements

Must complete at least 1 course in each of the following:

   English Composition and Oral Communication
   _____________________________    ________

   Quantitative Literacy
   _____________________________    ________

Must Complete at least 2 courses in each of the following:

   Humanities and the Arts
   _____________________________    ________ 
   _____________________________    ________    

   Natural Sciences - at least one Lab Science required
   _____________________________    ________ 
   _____________________________    ________                                                                                      

   Social and Behavioral Sciences
   _____________________________    ________ 
   _____________________________    ________                                                                        

Complete total required BGP credit hours by selecting courses from any of the above categories:

   _____________________________    ________ 
   _____________________________    ________ 
   _____________________________    ________ 
   _____________________________    ________                                                                                    

University Requirements

Designated courses in Humanities and the Arts and the Social and Behavioral Sciences domains may be used to fulfill both the BGP requirement and one of the following university requirements:

Cultural Diversity in the US    ____________
International Perspective       ____________

Composition Requirement:
WRIT 1120                              

Total BGP Credits: Must be at least 36                      

College Requirements

Total Hours: 122 Minimum (Plus Penalties)

@ See advising notes

@@ Letter grade of “C” or better required

# Requires Program Admission

NOTE: Undergraduate students and degree-holders seeking initial licensure must meet all specified requirements, including satisfactory completion of required OAE Exams.

Bachelor of Science in Education; Leads to multi-aged (P-12) licensure in Physical Education and multi-aged (P-12) licensure in Health Education. This degree program is designed for completion in 4 years. Changing majors, academic issues, or other unforeseen circumstances may require additional semesters for completion.  

Advising Notes

  1. From the MyBgsu webpage, click on the “My Degree Audit” link to access your degree audit.
  2. Meet with your advisor at least once each semester. Bring your checksheet and degree audit to all appointments. Check CANVAS (MyBGSU) for name of advisor and other important information.
  3. PSYC 1010  is a prerequisite for EDFI 3020  and may be used to fulfill a BG Perspective requirement.
  4. EDFI 2980  is a required education course and may also be used as a Cultural Diversity elective and Social and Behavioral Science elective in BG Perspective.
  5. PSYC 1010  is a prerequisite to EDFI 3020  and also a Natural Sciences elective.
  6. EDFI 3020  must be taken with one of PEHE 4320 , PEHE 4350 , PEHE 4720  
  7. PEHE 4300 PEHE 4320 PEHE 4350 PEHE 4720 PEHE 4921 , and PEHE 4930  require PEHE program admission.
  8. All required PEHE courses must be taken for a letter grade (i.e., no S/U credits).
  9. Application for PEHE 4921  student teaching internship is completed online in a semester prior to internship.
  10. College core content requirements regarding Behavior Management and Technology are integrated throughout the PEHE major.
  11. The following courses MUST be taken together as indicated (PEHE 4300  and PEHE 4350 , PEHE 4921 ,and PEHE 4930 ).
  12. The following courses should be taken in sequence: PEHE 2470 PEHE 2900 PEHE 3120 PEHE 4320 PEHE 4720 .
  13. BCI/FBI Background Check: All teacher education majors are required to have a current and valid BCI/FBI sent to the Office of Educator Preparation and Partnership (EPP) each year. It is best that these are completed at the end of the Spring semester each year to be valid for the entire following school year. Professional/Senior Year: A valid BCI/FBI check will be required to extend through the entire academic year and is due no later than July 1st to be eligible. This is also required when applying for licensure. Use the following address: Office of EPP, 101 Education Building, BGSU, Bowling Green, Ohio 43403, Attention: Michelle Fry.

 PEHE Program Admission Requirements

Apply in first week of semester when enrolled in PEHE 3120 . Form from the HMSLS Program Office.

College Retention Requirements

  • Grade “C” or better in WRIT 1120  
  • Grade “C” or better in EDTL 2300  
  • Grade “C” or better in PEHE 2470  and PEHE 2900  
  • Accumulative GPA of at least 3.0
  • Measure of Academic Proficiency: As part of College of EDHD’s licensure and accrediation requirements BGSU must document each teacher candidate’s academic proficiency on a nationally normed achievement measure for group average performance. By the end of your sophomore year when you apply for full admission into the Program, you will need to have the required score or higher from one of the following tests in Reading, Mathematics and Writing. You can use scores from different tests, i.e. Reading and Math from ACT and writing from Praxis CORE:
Reading Test Required Reading Score Mathematics Test Required Math Score Writing Test Required Writing Score
ACT - Reading 21 ACT - Math 21 ACT - Writing 6
SAT - Reading and Writing 540 SAT - Math 532 SAT - Essay Writing 5
PRAXIS Core - Reading 168 Praxis Core - Math 162 Praxis Core - Writing 165
  • Professional Dispositions are the personal attitude, values, beliefs, ethics and actions that create an environment of trust, learning, and growth in campus, school and community settings. Dispositions influence how others, including students, peers, colleagues, instructors, staff, supervisors, and community members, perceive and respond to candidates. Each candidate’s disposition will be assessed each year of study, and remediated as needed.

Physical Education and Health Education Program Requirements

  • Completion of a minimum of 15 PEHE credit hours at BGSU
  • Completion of EXSC 2300 Functional and Structural Basis of Human Movement
  • Minimum of five courses from Movement Performance category courses
  • Accumulative Major GPA of at least 3.0
  • Two BG Perspective courses (in addition to WRIT 1120 )
  • ACT score of 21 or higher (SAT equivalent score of higher) OR scores of 172 or higher on all three of the Praxis 1; Academic Skills
    Assessment tests will be options for admission to the PEHE Professional program.

Senior Year & Student Teaching

  1. You must apply for graduation on-line prior to the term deadline.
  2. Eligibility for Professional Year Internship: Passing scores on both OAE - Physical Education Assessment of Professional Knowledge 034, and OAE - Health Education Assessment of Professional Knowledge 023 as determined each year by the Ohio Department of Education are required to be eligible for Professional Year Internship (Student Teaching). OAE test requirements are subject to change, so continue to check with your program and the Department of Education for updates.
  3. To be eligible for licenses upon graduation, students must pass (“C” or better) their internship (PEHE 4921), complete all degree requirements, have a 3.0 cumulative grade point average, and pass an edTPA assessment in either Physical Education or Health Education.
  4. Complete application for licensures during your student teaching semester. At the time of licensure application, no PEHE methods courses (PEHE 2470 , PEHE 2900 , PEHE 3120 , PEHE 4300 , PEHE 4320 , PEHE 4350 , PEHE 4720 , PEHE 4921 , PEHE 4930 ) may be older than five years. You must have a valid BCI/FBI to apply for licensures.

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