Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Advisor Name:_______________________ Catalog: 2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog Program: Neuroscience, B.S.
This is for planning purposes only, please check with your advisor with questions about your degree progress

Neuroscience, B.S.

The bachelor of science major in neuroscience is a prototypical interdisciplinary program consisting principally of biology and psychology courses. Courses that contribute to meeting the requirements of this major are all listed in biology and psychology departmental listings. In addition to structured coursework, majors are strongly urged to take independent research courses with neuroscience faculty (NEUR 4700, BIOL 4010, and/or PSYC 4900). The neuroscience major is especially suited for students interested in careers in medicine or research.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the baccalaureate degree, students in neuroscience are expected to:

  • Understand the scientific process and the design and implementation of experiments;
  • Evaluate evidence and differentiate between scientific fact and unscientific arguments;
  • Present scientific information in oral and written formats appropriate to scientific and nonscientific audiences;
  • Understand the basic principles of neuroscience, behavior, and the integration of the two fields;
  • Read and comprehend primary research literature of the biological sciences;
  • Be prepared for post-baccalaureate studies in psychology, biology, neuroscience, or medical school, or for entering the private sector in areas related to their training.

BG Perspective (BGP) Requirements

Must complete at least 1 course in each of the following:

   English Composition and Oral Communication
   _____________________________    ________

   Quantitative Literacy
   _____________________________    ________

Must Complete at least 2 courses in each of the following:

   Humanities and the Arts
   _____________________________    ________ 
   _____________________________    ________    

   Natural Sciences - at least one Lab Science required
   _____________________________    ________ 
   _____________________________    ________                                                                                      

   Social and Behavioral Sciences
   _____________________________    ________ 
   _____________________________    ________                                                                        

Complete total required BGP credit hours by selecting courses from any of the above categories:

   _____________________________    ________ 
   _____________________________    ________ 
   _____________________________    ________ 
   _____________________________    ________                                                                                    

University Requirements

Designated courses in Humanities and the Arts and the Social and Behavioral Sciences domains may be used to fulfill both the BGP requirement and one of the following university requirements:

Cultural Diversity in the US    ____________
International Perspective       ____________

Composition Requirement:
WRIT 1120                             

Total BGP Credits: Must be at least 36                      

Arts & Sciences Requirements (WLC and QL)

World Languages and Cultures (_____ yrs of HS_______) 

Consult the Undergraduate Catalog or the Arts and Sciences Student Handbook regarding approved course options in the different language and culture areas. 
​   ________1010_________________    ________ 
​   ________1020_________________    ________ 
​   _____________________________    ________ 
   _____________________________    ________ 

Lab Science  

   _____________________________    ________ 

Quantitative Literacy

    ________    ________ EITHER MATH 1310 OR MATH 1340 & MATH 1350 

Multidisciplinary Component

Select from approved offerings, in consultation with an advisor and a faculty mentor. Four courses total, each with a different subject prefix. At least two courses at 3000/4000 level. Courses applied to the Arts & Sciences MDC may not be used to fulfill other Arts and Sciences degree requirements, nor may they be used to fulfill major, minor, BGP or other program requirements.   
   _____________________________    ________ 
   _____________________________    ________ 
   _____________________________    ________ 
   _____________________________    ________  

Major Requirements

Course NameTerms TakenGradeCore
PSYC 1010 - General Psychology
BIOL 2050 - Concepts in Biology II


PSYC 3300 - Introduction to Neuroscience


BIOL 3300 - Introduction to Behavioral Neuroscience

At Least 21 Hours of Electives Including at Least One Course From Category A and B Chosen in Consultation With Your Faculty Advisor.

Category A: Biology

Course NameTerms TakenGradeCore
BIOL 4010 - Introduction to Biological Research
BIOL 4180 - Neurophysiology
BIOL 4280 - Neuroethology
BIOL 4200 - Animal Behavior *
BIOL 4400 - Molecular Neurobiology *
BIOL 4710 - Sensory Ecology
BIOL 4900 - Seminar **

Category B: Psychology

Course NameTerms TakenGradeCore
PSYC 3280 - Psychophysiology *
PSYC 3310 - Psychopharmacology and Clinical Neuroscience
PSYC 3320 - Neuroscience of Emotions and Motivations *
PSYC 3330 - Cognitive Neuroscience *
PSYC 3340 - Behavioral and Neural Genetics
PSYC 3350 - Psychoneuroendocrinology
PSYC 3360 - Forensic Neuroscience
PSYC 3810 - Sensation and Perception
PSYC 4400 - General Seminar **
PSYC 4900 - Independent Research in Psychology **

Category C: Neuroscience

Course NameTerms TakenGradeCore
NEUR 4500 - Neuroscience Seminar
NEUR 4700 - Introduction to Neuroscience Research

Total Credits: 32

*These courses require either additional prerequisites or consent of the instructor. See Undergraduate Catalog.
** Must have approval of Neuroscience Program to count toward major.

Other Science Core Requirements

Course NameTerms TakenGradeCore
PHYS 2010 - College Physics I


MATH 1310 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry


MATH 1340 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry IA and
MATH 1350 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry IB (QL)


CHEM 1230 - General Chemistry I and
CHEM 1240 - General Chemistry I Laboratory


CHEM 1350 - General Chemistry


CHEM 1270 - General Chemistry II


CHEM 1370 - General Chemistry


CHEM 1280 - General Chemistry II Laboratory


CHEM 1380 - General Chemistry Laboratory


CHEM 3060 - Basic Organic Chemistry


CHEM 3410 - Organic Chemistry and
CHEM 3440 - Organic Chemistry

and either

CHEM 3450 - Organic Chemistry Laboratory


CHEM 3460 - Organic Chemistry Laboratory

Optional Courses

Course NameTerms TakenGradeCore
CHEM 3080 - Basic Biochemistry ++
CHEM 3090 - Basic Biochemistry Laboratory ++

and either

CHEM 3450 - Organic Chemistry Laboratory


CHEM 3460 - Organic Chemistry Laboratory

Minor Requirements:

A “general science” minor is offered to students in place of a conventional minor. Consult your Faculty Advisor. (A conventional minor may also be chosen, usually 21 hours.)

For Graduation You Will Need:

  1. 122 credit hours minimum.
  2. Minimum GPA 2.00.
  3. At least 30 credit hours of BGSU course work.
  4. 40 credit hours at the 3000/4000 level.
  5. Completion of all degree requirements, including the BG Perspective Core.
  6. A major, and if required, a minor, specialization or emphasis.

Any substitution or waiver of courses required for your major or minor program must originate in the department/school offering the major or minor and must be approved by the College Office.

To ensure a timely graduation, see a College Advisor during the semester prior to your intended graduation.

Remember to complete an Application for Graduation by the end of the second week of classes during the fall semester or spring regular session, or by the end of the first week of the summer semester. For the specific dates, check your DARS. You may log onto MyBGSU to complete the online application. After the deadlines, you will need to complete an application in person in the College Office.
