Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Advisor Name:_______________________ Catalog: 2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog Program: World Language Education, BSED
This is for planning purposes only, please check with your advisor with questions about your degree progress

World Language Education, BSED

The World Language Education major is a competitive four-year program that offers licensure in one of eight specializations: Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Russian, or Spanish. Students who enroll in the major are eligible for a multi-age (3-21) teaching license. BGSU teacher education programs are highly competitive and reuqire additional admission and graduation criteria. These requirements include professional disposition reviews, an overall GPA of 3.0, a GPA of 2.8 in the world language content area specialization, and study abroad for the required amount of time and as directed by the student's language and education academic advisors. Students also must successfully pass the appropriate Ohio Assessments for Educators examinations and the required ACTFL exams (to demonstrate oral, written, reading proficiency to meet required standards set by ACTFL/CAEP). Candidates in this program are required to obtain annual BCI/FBI checks in order to participate in required field experiences. 

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the baccalaureate degree, students in the world language education major are expected to:

  • Apply theories of human development and learning to their teaching through the design of lessons and units of instruction.
  • Plan, implement, and assess instructional strategies.
  • Exhibit professional and ethical behavior when working with students, their parents, other educators and community members.
  • Have developed oral and written proficiency in their world language (for Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Spanish), or reading proficiency (for Latin), at the level prescribed by ACTFL/CAEP and BGSU.

Bachelor of Science in Education with a major in World Language Education with a Specialization in Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Russian, or Spanish. Majors are eligible for a multi-age (3-21) teaching license, providing that they have a 3.0 cumulative grade point average and a 2.8 grade point average in the specialization and have met the passing scores on required tests including the Praxis II content and pedagogy tests and the ACTFL OPI and WPT. This degree program is designed to be completed in 4 years and one summer for those who study abroad for one academic year. Changing majors, timing of study abroad, or other unforeseen circumstances typically requires additional semesters for completion. Proficiency in the target language upon declaring the major may also impact time to degree completion.

BG Perspective (BGP) Requirements

Must complete at least 1 course in each of the following:

   English Composition and Oral Communication
   _____________________________    ________

   Quantitative Literacy
   _____________________________    ________

Must Complete at least 2 courses in each of the following:

   Humanities and the Arts
   _____________________________    ________ 
   _____________________________    ________    

   Natural Sciences - at least one Lab Science required
   _____________________________    ________ 
   _____________________________    ________                                                                                      

   Social and Behavioral Sciences
   _____________________________    ________ 
   _____________________________    ________                                                                        

Complete total required BGP credit hours by selecting courses from any of the above categories:

   _____________________________    ________ 
   _____________________________    ________ 
   _____________________________    ________ 
   _____________________________    ________                                                                                    

University Requirements

Designated courses in Humanities and the Arts and the Social and Behavioral Sciences domains may be used to fulfill both the BGP requirement and one of the following university requirements:

Cultural Diversity in the US    ____________
International Perspective       ____________

Composition Requirement:
WRIT 1120                             

Total BGP Credits: Must be at least 36                      

College Requirements

(3 Credits)

Course NameTerms TakenGradeCore
COMM 1020 - Introduction to Public Speaking @

Professional Education

(52 Credits)

Course NameTerms TakenGradeCore
EDTL 2010 - Introduction to Education @
EDTL 2290 - Introduction to the Teaching and Learning of World Languages @
EDFI 3020 - Educational Psychology @
EDIS 2310 - Introduction to Educating Students with Disabilities @
EDFI 2980 - Schools, Society, and Cultural Diversity
EDFI 2990 - Field Experience in Cultural and Community Contexts
EDTL 3400 - Instruction and Differentiation in Middle and High School Classrooms @
EDTL 3021 - Digital Technologies for Middle and AYA Teachers @


EDTL 4200 - Disciplinary Literacy 4-12 @


EDTL 4210 - Disciplinary Literacy PK-12 @


EDL 4090 - Teaching as a Profession: Organization, Administration, and Policy in Schools

Methods Block

(courses taken concurrently)

Course NameTerms TakenGradeCore
EDTL 4182 - Practicum in World Language Classrooms @
EDTL 4290 - Methods of Teaching and Learning World Languages @
EDFI 4020 - Assessment and Evaluation in Education @

Student Teaching

(courses taken concurrently)

Course NameTerms TakenGradeCore
EDTL 4890 - Advanced Seminar in World Language Teaching @
EDTL 4970 - Teaching Internship


  • Retention and Student Teaching Internship Requirements are listed.
  • Degree Audit Report (DAR) is available on MyBGSU. This is an unofficial record of a student’s progress.

@ Grade of C or better required

Required French Courses

(33 Credits)*

Course NameTerms TakenGradeCore
FREN 3560 - Conversation Across Cultures
FREN 3570 - French Culture in/and Writing
  • (Minimum of 3 hours of linguistics required) Contact Hours: 3
  • 3000- Level French Electives Contact Hours: 9-12
  • 4000- Level French Electives (one course must focus on culture and one on literature) Contact Hours: 9-12
  • Required Latin Courses

    (33 Credits)*

    Students must meet outside of class to continue language acquisition and must use some original texts in Latin.

    Course NameTerms TakenGradeCore
    LAT 3510 - Latin Prose Composition I
    LAT 3520 - Latin Prose Composition II
    LAT 3610 - Latin Literature I
    LAT 3620 - Latin Literature II
    LAT 4510 - Advanced Latin Prose Composition
    LAT 4700 - Readings in Latin Literature
    CLCV 3810 - Roman Life
  • CLCV 4860 - Roman Civilization Contact Hours: 3
  • (Minimum of 3 hours of linguistics required) Contact Hours: 3
  • Latin electives max. 6 hours in consultation with advisor Contact Hours: 6 ♦
  • Required Spanish Courses

    (33 Credits)*

    Course NameTerms TakenGradeCore
    SPAN 3510 - Spanish Composition and Conversation I
    SPAN 3520 - Spanish Composition and Conversation II
    SPAN 3660 - Foundations in Hispanic Literature
    SPAN 3760 - Foundations in Hispanic Civilization
  • (Minimum of 3 hours of linguistics required) Contact Hours: 3
  • 4000-Level Spanish Electives Contact Hours: 9 ♦
  • Choose 3

    (may be repeated if topics change)

    Course NameTerms TakenGradeCore
    SPAN 3820 - Topics in Hispanic Literature
    SPAN 3830 - Topics in Hispanic Film
    SPAN 3840 - Topics in Hispanic Culture
    SPAN 3850 - Topics in Language and Culture

    Required German Courses

    (32 Credits)*

    Course NameTerms TakenGradeCore
    GERM 4910 - Studies in German
    GERM 4170 - Professional German
  • 3000 & 4000-Level German Electives Contact Hours: 14 (two courses must focus on culture and one on literature) ♦
  • Select One

    Course NameTerms TakenGradeCore
    GERM 3110 - Introduction to German Literature
    GERM 3130 - German Literature in Context
  • (Minimum of 3 hours of linguistics required) Contact Hours: 3
  • Required Russian Courses

    (32 Credits)*

    Course NameTerms TakenGradeCore
    RUSN 3120 - Introduction to Russian Literature
    RUSN 3170 - Composition and Conversation I
    RUSN 3180 - Composition and Conversation II
    RUSN 4170 - Advanced Composition and Conversation
  • (Minimum of 3 hours of linguistics required) Contact Hours: 3
  • 3000 & 4000 - Level Russian Electives Contact Hours: 17 (three courses must focus on culture and/or on history or political science or economics and two on literature) ♦
  • Required Italian Courses

    (33 Credits)*

    Course NameTerms TakenGradeCore
    ITAL 3610 - Introduction to Italian Literature
    ITAL 3710 - Italian Civilization I
    ITAL 3720 - Italian Civilization II
    ITAL 4700 - Independent Readings in Italian
  • ITAN 4880 - Italian literature: Adv studies Contact Hours: 3
  • (Minimum of 3 hours of linguistics required) Contact Hours: 3
  • Italian Electives Contact Hours: 12-15 ♦
  • Required Japanese Courses

    (32 Credits)*

    Course NameTerms TakenGradeCore
    JAPN 2010 - Intermediate Japanese I
    JAPN 2020 - Intermediate Japanese II
    JAPN 3010 - Third Year Japanese I
    JAPN 3020 - Third Year Japanese II
    JAPN 3120 - Introduction to Japanese Literature
  • (Minimum of 3 hours of linguistics required) Contact Hours: 3
  • Japanese Electives Contact Hours: 12 ♦
  • Required Chinese Courses

    (32 Credits)*

    Course NameTerms TakenGradeCore
    CHIN 2010 - Intermediate Chinese I
    CHIN 2020 - Intermediate Chinese II
    CHIN 3010 - Advanced Chinese
    CHIN 3020 - Advanced Chinese II
    CHIN 3120 - Introduction to Chinese Literature
  • (Minimum of 3 hours of linguistics required) Contact Hours: 3
  • Chinese Electives Contact Hours: 12 ♦
  • Note:

    *All courses must be beyond the 2020 level (except for those students specializing in Chinese or Japanese).

    Required linguistics course may be taken at 3000- or 4000- level.

    ADDITIONAL PROGRAM REQUIREMENT: All World Language Education majors must study abroad one full academic year (or acceptable equivalent), except for students specializing in Latin. Latin education majors must study abroad for at least one semester (this may occur in the summer). Study abroad is a methods admission requirement.

    ♦ World Language Education students must get approval from language and education advisors for electives.

    Three Important Checklists

    1. Application for the Methods Block and Student Teaching is made at a sign up meeting held the Fall of the junior year. The Methods Block is offered Fall semester only and Student Teaching is offered Spring semester only.
    2. Methods Admission Requirements

      Attainment of 60 semester hours
      • “C” or better in EDTL 2010 
      • “C” or better in GSW 1120
      • “C” or better in COMM 1020 
      • “C” or better in EDTL 2290 
      • “C” or better in EDTL 2300 
      • “C” or better in EDFI 3020 
      • “C” or better in EDIS 2310 
      • “C” or better in EDTL 3021 
      • “C” or better in EDTL 3400 
      • A cumulative BGSU GPA of at least 2.8
      • Content Specialty GPA of at least 2.8
      • Completed 80% of content course requirements
      • Transfer students must complete 15 semester hours at BGSU.
      • Satisfied study abroad program requirement
      • Passed all required Praxis II Content and ACTFL exams (to demonstrate oral, written, reading proficiency), achieving the required standards set by ACTFL/CAEP and BGSU.
    3. Prerequisites for Student Teaching
      • Completion of 90 semester hours
      • A cumulative GPA of at least 3.0
      • Content Specialty GPA of at least 2.8
      • Completion of the following courses with a grade of “C” or better:
        • EDTL 4182 
        • EDTL 4200 or EDTL 4210 
        • EDTL 4290 
        • EDFI 4020 
      • No incompletes in courses that are prerequisites for student teaching
      • Successful completion of field and clinical experiences or recommendations from field and clinical supervisors


    1. Check prerequisites before registering for classes. For example, EDTL 3400 has an extensive list, including an overall GPA of at least 2.8.
    2. PSYC 1010 is a prerequisite to EDFI 3020, a required education course, and can be used as a social science elective in BG Perspective.
    3. Meet with your advisor at least once each year. Names of advisors and other assistance can be obtained via MyBGSU web page, click on “My Advisor.”
    4. SENIOR YEAR: You must apply for graduation on-line prior to the term deadline. Complete an application for licensure during your student teaching semester–you will receive instructions for doing so during a required meeting that precedes student teaching.
    5. Complete at least 30 hours of coursework at BGSU.
    6. Please check your BGSU email and World Language Education Learning Community regularly for Program Announcements and Content Specialization Announcements. You are held accountable and responsible for adhering to rules, deadlines, etc., sent to you electronically.
    7. A semester of study abroad can be used as an international perspective course.
    8. Note: For transfer students and degree-holding guests seeking licensure, applicable GPA will be calculated for methods and student teaching eligibility and to meet program requirements.
    9. Additional information about the American Council for the Teaching of World Languages (ACTFL) Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) and Writing Proficiency Test (WPT), including “Meets Standard” passing scores, is available on the World Language Education Learning Community