Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Advisor Name:_______________________ | Catalog: 2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog Program: Criminal Justice, BSCJ | |||
This is for planning purposes only, please check with your advisor with questions about your degree progress | ||||
Criminal Justice, BSCJThe Criminal Justice Program offers two degree options-a general criminal justice program and a Specialization in Forensic Investigation. Both programs integrates coursework and interaction with professionals in various disciplines to prepare students for careers throughout the criminal and juvenile justice systems as well as graduate school and law school. Graduates of the program work in local law enforcement, state and federal investigative agencies, correctional institutions, adult and juvenile probation and parole, victim’s services, private security, and other human service-related fields. The graduate of the program receives a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice degree or a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice - Specialization in Forensic Investigation degree. The Specialization in Forensic Investigations focuses on investigation of various forms of crime, especially in terms of gathering and analysis of varying forms of evidence in ways that enhance the ability of the criminal justice system to arrest and convict those responsible for the crimes. Students selecting this specialization follow a distinct course check sheet. Students must take all core courses and core electives for a grade and earn a “C” or higher. Students must also maintain a BGSU GPA of at least 2.5 to remain in the major. Dropping below a 2.5 GPA will result in being placed on departmental probation for one semester, during which the student has the opportunity to raise his/her GPA above the 2.5 level. Failure to do so will result in the student being moved to the PRE-CRJU category and barred from taking any CRJU or DHS courses. One may not graduate with a degree in Criminal Justice without an overall Bowling Green State University GPA of at least 2.5. The program places emphasis on superior academic attainment, ability to communicate verbally and in writing, and research potential. Every student must complete a field internship (practicum) with an agency of the student’s choice. However, all internships are subject to the approval and supervision of the program faculty. It is anticipated that CRJU graduates will enter the field or go on to graduate school or law school with the tools needed to succeed in a demanding profession. Learning OutcomesUpon completion of the baccalaureate degree, students in criminal justice are expected to:
Internship480 agency hours for nine credit hours (CRJU 4910) and practicum seminar for three credit hours (CRJU 4920) Core ElectivesAll Criminal Justice students must take 20-21 hours of Core Electives. Those following the general degree requirements select a list of pre-approved courses, and those for which special permission is granted should be selected carefully, to supplement and enrich the criminal justice core courses. Students opting for the Specialization in Forensic Investigations must choose 6 credit hours of Core Electives specifically related to forensic science topics in consultation with their advisor. These students then choose 14+ hours of Core Electives from the pre-approved list. |
BG Perspective (BGP) RequirementsMust complete at least 1 course in each of the following: English Composition and Oral Communication Quantitative Literacy Must Complete at least 2 courses in each of the following: Humanities and the Arts Natural Sciences - at least one Lab Science required Social and Behavioral Sciences Complete total required BGP credit hours by selecting courses from any of the above categories: _____________________________ ________ University RequirementsDesignated courses in Humanities and the Arts and the Social and Behavioral Sciences domains may be used to fulfill both the BGP requirement and one of the following university requirements: Cultural Diversity in the US ____________ Composition Requirement: Total BGP Credits: Must be at least 36 | ||||
Prerequisites | ||||
Course Name | Terms Taken | Grade | Core | |
POLS 1100 - American Government: Processes and Structure | ||||
PSYC 1010 - General Psychology | ||||
SOC 1010 - Principles of Sociology | ||||
Degree Program Core Courses(45-46 Hours) (S/U option not permitted in core courses) | ||||
Course Name | Terms Taken | Grade | Core | |
CRJU 2100 - Introduction to Criminal Justice | ||||
CRJU 2200 - Law Enforcement in American Society | ||||
CRJU 2500 - Institutional and Community Corrections | ||||
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CRJU 3200 - Crime Prevention and Security | ||||
CRJU 3300 - Juvenile Justice Subsystems | ||||
CRJU 4200 - The Criminal Courts | ||||
CRJU 4800 - Senior Seminar in Criminal Justice | ||||
DHS 3000 - Research Methods for the Human Services | ||||
DHS 3300 - Interviewing and Observation | ||||
POLS 3030 - Introduction to Public Administration | ||||
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PSYC 3080 - Introduction to Clinical Psychology | ||||
or | ||||
PSYC 3110 - Social Psychology | ||||
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SOC 2160 - Race, Ethnicity & Inequality | ||||
or | ||||
ETHN 3120 - Chicanos in the United States or | ||||
ETHN 3010 - Ethnicity in the United States or | ||||
ETHN 3050 - Women of Color in the United States | ||||
or | ||||
HDFS 2080 - Family Diversity | ||||
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SOC 4410 - Criminology | ||||
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MATH 1150 - Introduction to Statistics | ||||
or | ||||
STAT 2000 - Using Statistics | ||||
Core Electives(20-21 Hours)
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Approved Minors and Pre-approved Core Elective CoursesStudents musts complete one of the approved minors with at least 20 credit hours (students may not count courses required in the Program Core Courses as part of the 20 hours for the minor) OR any combination of the pre-approved core elective courses totaling 20 hours or more. Suggested grouping of courses for different interest areas can be obtained from the Program Office. If you are interested in taking any courses other than those listed here, you must receive your faculty advisor’s approval by completing a blue program change request. (S/U option not permitted in core electives). MINORS:
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Course Name | Terms Taken | Grade | Core | |
| ||||
ECON 3230 - Poverty and Discrimination | ||||
ETHN 4150 - Contemporary U.S. Immigration | ||||
GEOG 3210 - Cartography and Map Communication | ||||
GEOG 4250 - Applied Geographic Information Systems–Human Dimensions | ||||
GEOG 4260 - Urban Geography | ||||
GERO 1010 - Aging, the Individual and Society | ||||
HIST 3365 - Drugs and Alcohol in American History | ||||
HDFS 2020 - Contemporary Marriages and Families | ||||
HDFS 2080 - Family Diversity | ||||
HDFS 2210 - Child Development | ||||
HDFS 2280 - Preadolescent and Adolescent in Family and Community | ||||
HDFS 4220 - Cognitive Development of the Young Child | ||||
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KNS 3130 - Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, First Aid, and Safety | ||||
LEGS 3050 - Comparative Legal Philosophy | ||||
MDIA 4750 - Privacy, Dissent, and the Surveillance Society | ||||
MGMT 3050 - Principles of Organization and Management | ||||
MGMT 3600 - Organizational Theory and Behavior | ||||
PACS 2000 - Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies | ||||
PHIL 2180 - Philosophy of Law | ||||
POLS 3010 - Modern Political Ideologies | ||||
POLS 3310 - State and Local Government | ||||
POLS 4210 - Bureaucratic Politics | ||||
POLS 4300 - Local Government Management and Politics | ||||
PSYC 3030 - Psychology of Child Development | ||||
PSYC 3040 - Psychology of Adolescent Development | ||||
PSYC 3060 - Psychology of Gender | ||||
PSYC 3070 - Human Sexuality | ||||
PSYC 4050 - Psychology of Abnormal Behavior | ||||
SOC 3170 - Wealth, Power, & Inequality | ||||
SOC 3190 - Alcohol, Drugs, and Society | ||||
SOC 3400 - Deviance and Social Control | ||||
SOC 3610 - The Family | ||||
WS 2000 - Introduction to Women’s Studies: Perspectives on Gender, Class and Ethnicity | ||||
WS 3000 - Topics in Women’s Studies | ||||
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Practicum(Required) (12 Hours) | ||||
Course Name | Terms Taken | Grade | Core | |
| ||||
CRJU 4920 - Internship Seminar | ||||
Total Hours: 122A grade of “C” or higher is required in all program core courses and core electives. Students must have a 2.50 GPA in order to graduate with a degree in Criminal Justice.
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